DDD House Corporation

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer 2010 Meeting Minutes

House Corp Meeting 08/05/10

Members Present: Kallie Mills, Christa Thaxton, Wendy Repovich, Courtney Strozyk

Mark Your Calendars! Fall visit will be September 20. Meet at the Trading Company at 3:15.

Current Projects:

vacuums: have been purchased and will be deliverered Tuesday 08/10/10 to Pullman by Courtney

mattresses: 20 will be purchased by Kallie from Deranleau's with a hopeful delivery of early this week

dining room: furniture will be delivered Monday 08/09/10 and it is also being painted, new window treatments, and new lighting. We need to pay-off the furniture. Vicki, the designer is looking into a side board.

grant: There is a possiblity of receiving a grant. Wendy is looking into this.

Refinance: Carolyn, is this a possiblity with the current interest rates? Can we pay down some of the balance or pay down the interest rate to lower our monthly payment?

Dishes: Christa is looking into purchasing a durable set of plates for women to use for formal dinners. We need 120 plates by September 1. Looking into online resources and outlets.

Air Conditioners: Kallie and Courtney will purchase at Costco on Monday 08/09/10, and Courtney will deliver them on Tuesday 08/10/10..We need 2 roll around units that are 1400 BTU's, 1 smaller unit 700-800 BTU's for Kim's apartment, and 1 window unit for the kitchen.

Culligan: It will cost approximately $2500 for water softener and reverse osmosis for house. Kim will have plumber install. Wendy, can you follow up on this?

Future Projects:

retaining wall: waiting on an estimate for fix the retaining wall. Kim is obtaining estimate.

yard: a current member will draw out a plan for the yard, then we can review

concrete: needs to be painted, pavers need replaced. Christa will look for estimates

Stove: needs to be replaced on winter break. Wendy will talk with Kim to see what's needed. We will look into the Restaurant Supply House.

Boiler: Can we get a tax break when we replace? Courtney will talk to Avista about our options.

Rugs in Living Room: Courtney will measure and Kallie will look into new rugs for next summer. Carpet may also need to be replaced next summer.

Front steps: need to be replaced next summer. Christa will get bids.

Exterior paint: needs to be painted next summer. Christa will get bids and check on if we can paint the gutters or if they need replaced.

Study: major project of next summer. Design is being worked on. Do we need to replace the electrical system?

Bathroom: Tile is dirty. We need to look into cleaning/prevention at our September visit.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Ronngren